Vendetta Arts are Vince Verma and small but highly talented in house team, a regular freelance talent pool of people that have been acumulated from around the World and interns.
Why Vendetta Arts? Vendetta - "blood feud" a Maltese word (maybe) that has no direct translation is most languages. Why can a word can exist in a language or culture and not in others? Are Maltese more passionate about revenge?
Vince is Maltese, so I like to think that maybe that explains why I can get so passionate, almost to obsession.... but not in murder -art.
Technology is allowing digital special effects, amazing high end illustration and audio to break boundaries like never before. Here at Vendetta Arts we are all passionate about pushing the boundaries - right to the end.
How big are we? we are smallish- a dozen desks with the latest gear. (technology not Rolex's and Porsche's) We work on projects collectively like a gang. We are a specialist design outsource/ a production company / an illustration agency for our talent pool /a special effects studio/ a source for great audio.
We are hired by the hour, day and job. Paid if we fulfill a brief, with the intention always of being rehired if we pull off an excellent one. It's an art vendetta.
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